Tibetan Mastiff: Amazing Information

One of the oldest breeds, the Tibetan Mastiff is thought to be the ancestor of all other mastiff varieties worldwide. He is a Tibetan guardian breed that has guarded villages and monasteries while traveling with herdsmen and keeping an eye on their flocks. The Tibetan Mastiff has a calm and regal demeanor today.

He is tall, has a thick coat, and a bushy tail that wraps over his back. He is a large breed that can weigh up to 150 pounds. Although the Tibetan Mastiff has many positive traits, he is not a breed that is suitable for everyone.


The Tibetan Mastiff is an easily recognized breed of dog thanks to its enormous size (often gargantuan), extreme strength, massive tail, and even greater head. He might not look awake on the outside (hidden eyes, tongue protruding, etc.), but there is no doubt that he is aware of you and everything else.

Undoubtedly, the head is enormous beneath that enormous mane of hair. Over the broad, squared-off snout and the black nose are the eyes, which are typically covered, and they are probably staring at you. He has a lot of long fangs that should scissor into each other if he opens his mouth.

Medium-sized ears are also present, albeit on some of these dogs they could disappear into the mane.
The Lion Head Tibetan Mastiff and the Tiger Head TM are the two most common coat types. You can read more about these two types elsewhere on this page. There is also the Bearded Tibetan Mastiff, which many mistakes for a Tibetan Mastiff variety even though it is a unique and highly rare breed in and of itself.

Dog breed group:

Working Dogs


34-36 Inches


64-78 Kg

Life Span:

13 to 14 years


The Tibetan Mastiff is one of the oldest breeds in the world, even though there are no documents that can determine its exact year of inception. According to DNA evidence, mastiff-like canines have been present in Tibet for at least 5,000 years. The Tsang-Khyi, a larger kind of mastiff, functioned as guardians for Tibetan Buddhist monks, whilst the Do-Khyi, a smaller variety of mastiff, traveled with nomads and served the purpose of guardian dogs to the cattle. Captain Samuel Turner described his experience in Tibet and a huge breed of dog in his writings.

When Lord Hardinge, the then Viceroy of India, gave one to Queen Victoria as a gift, the first Tibetan Mastiff arrived in England. In 1873, the breed was recognized by the English Kennel Club as a Tibetan Mastiff. The breed was still brought into England and other nations in Europe, where they were produced and displayed. After a temporary hiatus caused by World War II, English breeders started breeding this dog again in 1976.

Purebred Tibetan Mastiffs are now uncommon in their native country, but nomadic Tibetans still occasionally own one. In the United States and Europe, the breed is still thriving. Certain records indicate there are signs of the Tibetan Mastiff’s existence dating back to the BC era, albeit they are not very specific or exact records of the breed’s origin.

They were rumored to have traveled through Central Asia with kings like Genghis Khan. Due to their intimidating appearance, these were primarily security dogs that were chained during the day. The Viceroy of India gave one to Queen Victoria as a gift, and the Prince of Whales then imported two of them for a dog exhibition. This marked the first time that this breed left the confines of the Asian region.

The number of them greatly fell during the infamous Chinese invasion of Tibet, yet a select few managed to flee across borders to other countries and live. The USA obtained this breed from India and Nepal in the late 1970s for breeding. The American Kennel Club includes this breed on its list of unclassified breeds. Many additional large-sized breeds are claimed to have their roots in this breed. However, it is now challenging to locate a genuine, pure-bred Tibetan mastiff. When its owner was out and about, this dog would guard them against any attacks by other animals.


Tibetan Mastiffs are very protective of their home and family and do not get along well with others. They also have a strong drive to roam around the house. This breed requires a large home with a fenced yard due to its enormous size. Early leash training is important since a Tibetan Mastiff is likely to wander off in search of new things if left unsupervised. Additionally, this breed can become extremely protective of areas they believe to be “theirs,” including frequent walking routes, so be sure to switch things up and alter their route sometimes.

It will take an experienced owner to make sure that this escape artist doesn’t engage in destructive behavior, which is typically brought on by boredom and anxiety. Tibetan Mastiffs are not for first-time owners. Since this breed was developed to survive in the chilly Tibetan mountains, it exhibits nocturnal barking and does not do well in hot and muggy climates. They thrive in chilly environments, so if you’re determined to keep them there instead, be prepared to rack up hefty electricity bills by running the air conditioner continuously.


The double coat of the Tibetan Mastiff consists of a long, thick topcoat and a soft, fuzzy undercoat. Throughout the hotter months, the undercoat becomes thinner. The neck and shoulders are covered with a thick mane, while the tail and upper thighs are covered in a thick, feathery coat.

Depending on the temperature where they reside, this breed only sheds a small amount—once a year—but its lengthy coat is prone to matting. It’s advised to brush at least twice a week, especially if you don’t want to have to cut off unsightly hair clumps that can harbor ticks and fleas.

The breed has extremely minimal odor production, therefore bathing them more frequently than once per month is typically unnecessary. The Tibetan Mastiff is a breed with a lot of hair, and shedding can be a significant issue for this species. In addition to improving the breed’s appearance, good breeding can greatly lessen a variety of potential health issues.

Additionally, because the oil is disseminated by appropriate, routine grooming, it keeps the coat lustrous. A wonderful approach to lessen shredding and avoid hair fall is to brush your hair frequently and with the proper tools. Additionally, it aids by lessening the breed’s irritation underneath its coat. Separating hair with a brush also contributes to keeping the coat warmer. A pet that hasn’t been brushed recently may seem colder than one that is brushed frequently.

The breed should also have frequent flea and tick checks to prevent further irritation of the skin. At least twice a week, the breed’s hair needs to be brushed. Now and again, the breed’s ears should be cleaned, and attention should also be given to periodic nail cutting. This breed shouldn’t be forced to take frequent baths; instead, only when necessary. Every year, the breed almost completely loses its coat due to shedding.

Health issues

The most noteworthy inherited health condition affecting Tibetan Mastiffs is hip dysplasia, in which the thigh bone does not fit properly in the hip joint. Although this is a congenital condition, external factors like overfeeding and infrequent exercise can exacerbate it over time.

Similar to hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia also affects this breed frequently and is brought on by the three bones that make up a dog’s elbow growing at different rates. Although it can lead to painful lameness, surgery is frequently able to fix it. Additionally susceptible to canine inherited demyelinating neuropathy are Tibetan Mastiffs.

Puppies under 6 weeks old have been found to have this genetic disease. Their neurological system is impacted by the illness, which leads to weakness in the back legs and finally paralysis. With no known cure, puppies with CIDN typically do not survive past the age of four months. Canine developing pains or Panosteitis can also affect this breed.

Young, large-breed dogs are susceptible to it, which results in lameness that frequently switches from one leg to the other and is an infection of the long bones. When the dog is an adult, the ailment normally goes away with maturity after lasting one to six months. A practicing veterinarian can readily address the illness by prescribing painkillers.

Diet and feeding

For the breed to grow and remain healthy, a healthy diet is essential. Maintaining the breed’s weight is crucial as well because an overweight breed is more susceptible to sickness. To maintain its weight, the breed must also exercise properly.

Because the diet varies from breed to breed based on size, weight, and other characteristics, nutritious food also varies from breed to breed. The breed’s food should mostly consist of Protein, Fat, Minerals, Vitamins, and Water. The minimum amount of protein in the dog’s food should be between 19 and 22%. Because there must be fat in the food for the coat to be maintained, the fat content also needs to be on the upper end.

Additionally, the fat must be of superior quality, such as animal fat, as opposed to inferior fat which contains more saturated fats. Due to its size, this breed requires a sufficient amount of food, although overfeeding should be avoided. A puppy should be fed little portions three times a day, and this breed should either be fed once or twice daily. Both too much and too little vitamins and minerals can have negative effects, so they should be in balance.

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